Monday, December 15, 2008

Ice Storm

My home has been without power for several days now and since I have no generator, it's been painfully cold. It's no fun to sit around all day, all bundled up and shivering, with no TV or computer to help pass the time. My part of coastal New Hampshire has its power back but at least 200,000 of my neighbors do not. I pray they get it back soon. I had to clean out my freezer and refrigerator and we went to the supermarket this morning but their freezers were virtually empty. My two on going art shows will be a bust since they have been closed due to lack of power. Now that power is back in my area there is very little traffic. At least I have an excuse now for poor sales for these shows.

I hope all of you can stay warm and cozy for this Christmas season.

1 comment:

sojournquilts said...

I went through the ice storm of January 1998 (in Maine) and went a week without power, so I can empathize with sitting in the cold and shivering. My thoughts are with you and those around you as you all recover from this event. Sorry to hear about your shows being closed. Wishes for a creative and prosperous New Year.