Thursday, November 6, 2008

Great Bay Art Show

I think my muse is returning. I decided to participate in the Great Bay Art Show, at the Discovery Center, Stratham, NH. The center is located on the Great Bay and is the entry way for a wonderful boardwalk that meanders through a salt marsh adjacent to the Great Bay. It's a delightful walk through the salt marsh and a great place for the birdwatchers. There is an annual art show and sale and the artwork is to deal with the Great Bay and environs. My decision to participate was at the last minute and I finished two paintings and framed them just in time to deliver them to the show before the entries were closed. Alas, I didn't get photos of them. They probably won't sell and I'll get photos later and post them after the show. (yes I'm being pessimistic, art sales have been very low this year). The artists' reception is this Friday evening, 7 PM at the discovery center and the show will run just this weekend.
I wish some of you lived close enough to drop by and say hi.

By the way my October 21th entry includes a painting of the saltmarsh.

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